In the middle of Dezember the temperature suddenly rose in France and a lot of snow in the mountains melted. In addition it rained and the water-levels of the Doubs and the Rhone shot through the roof. Hence we adhoc took two days off work and did our season 2010 closing 4 days paddling-trip to France. Well first we had to wait in Munich for our friend Toby Hüther who had quite an odysse with the ICE (fast train in Germany) through Germany and therefore we started our trip a little late around 4 o`clock in the morning instead of in the evening the day before. And as you can see in the picture it was cold in Munich.

Our first destination was the La Malate wave on the Doubs. Unfortunately we missed the perfect level for the La Scie wave by one day. But when La Scie goes down La Malate starts to kick in and La Malate is the sicker wave anyway. Just the small hole next to the shoulder gives your head some kind of tense feeling when throwing some moves ;-)
We met at the wave with "local" Stephane "Stefun" Pion. The hole looked too intimidating for Maria and Toby, so they left for the Deluz-Wave which is situated around 30 Minutes upstream. The wave is really nice and smooth, easy to throw moves and land them in the foam. On top the feature provides a nice eddy service. They both got company from two Munich board surfers who also had made a short trip to the waves. Check out the pics from the Deluz-Wave:

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